Introduction: Worldwide patterns of legal segmentation in employment law
Author: MĂĽckenberger, Ulrich; Dingeldey, Irene
Year of Publication: 2022
Journal Title: International Labour Review / Special Issue: Overcoming legal segmentation: Extending legal rules to all workers?
Volume (Issue No.): 161 (4)
Pages: 511 to 534
Date of Publication: 23.12.2022
More: Link (Date: 24.01.2023)
> back to publication listYear of Publication: 2022
Journal Title: International Labour Review / Special Issue: Overcoming legal segmentation: Extending legal rules to all workers?
Volume (Issue No.): 161 (4)
Pages: 511 to 534
Date of Publication: 23.12.2022
More: Link (Date: 24.01.2023)